
K. finally time to blog. Ermz. this few daes really very very tired. Last sem oso not as tired as tis sem lor. Haiz. Time is limited. As wat cheryl said. "how i wish we got 30 hr per dae!!" Yes, i agree. hahah. Also dunno what keep us so bz la.. sch. project and lotSS of HW!! How i wish i would/CAN have enough slp.
Ya. bio test is coming. ANd i dun even know a single thing. Still rmb ytd, Bio practical. We are ask to gather ard e "brain." and ya. Of cos i will go right infront rite. Cos i wan to see clearly mah. Den WTF! DR LAM! everytime like tt. Everytime ask mi question.

Dr Lam: standing infront of mi still wan to slp ar! (i'm jus closing my eyes for AWHILE!!!)
Lz: did i? I didnt lor.
Lz: I dont even know a single thing la.
Dr lam: Dunno a single thing? test is coming.

Ya. and he say he is so worried. So. I dun even noe a single thing la. Everytime ask mi qns. I dun even noe. Idiot! Next time i dun wan to stand infront liao la! ARSE!! Haiz. and everything make mi feel so fraustrated. Feel so stress. Its jus like, so. NOT MYSELF!! I think nobody can understand.
Sometime, i will think that i was not part of them.

Ya. ytd was MALI'S B'DAE!!! And we celebrate wif her. hahah. Hope she is happy!! And of cos Don think too much ya mali. WE LOVE U!! :)


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