
Yesterday photoshoot.
With mk, jess and jy!
1st time!!!
A wonderful experience.
Before shooting, we got delicious japanese food to MAKAN!
Thanks jess!!! We enjoy it.




I want to blog about today. I've fail my NAPFA test!!! ARGHH!!! This is really stupid la! Got to blame myself la. Pass all 5 stations, but fail 2.4km. I just SO SO SO SO hate it la pls! Why i cannot run fast? why my stamina so weak? I not very fat leh. Why run a while must stop? WHY!!!! Nevermind la!

ok. I find this photo very funny. Though is unglam la. But den i wan to be like PCK! In the poster!
OK! BYE! Suddenly feel like watching MR BEAN!!!


The first malay wedding that i have attended!!!

That day was fun, i get to understand the different between malay wedding and chinese wedding. And i still want to attend more! MOREMOREMOREMOREMORE!!! Hope zal never bluff me la. I just love the malay culture, make me wanting to know more about it. hahah.
Anyway, fatin's brother is damn handsome la. and the sister in law is supper chio ar! hahah! PERFECT!! Sister pretty and brother in law HOOOOTTT AR!!! LOL! Total up the couples just rock the stage.
Thanks for inviting us, my dear fatin!!!


Last saturday.
This time, we went bowling in the afternoon. Still the same, mannymany people!
Dinner time we met kor kor, jie jie and CODIE!!! hahahh!! Very naughty already ar!! But he is so damn cute la! Naughty and cute and naughty and cute! A loud shout to surprise us. haha. Just like to be with them, got lots of exciting "story."
Night life!!! YOHOO!!! Mk's house for mahjong!!! YES YES YES!!! I WON $2!!! haha. Surprising right? LOL! just win lor, like that win lor.

oh!! u NAUGHTY!!

ok! i know! my boyfriend is very unglam! haha! BUT IS CUTE LA!!!

SideNote: kau nak tak nak
Aku nak makan
kau nak pergi mana


The shop nothing day

Last friday wasnt that bad after all. Went far east alone. Visit HELENA at her shop. Actually wanted to buy shoes la, clothes la, whatever la. In the end, didnt get anything. but manicure. which hel intro me. NICE AND CHEAP!!! Saw rick too!!
Night, dinner with love and SAFFC!!! hahaa!!
And a bad new released on that night. STAGE 3.


Need money for this

Ok! All these rooms is from a hotel in taiwan!!!
OMG!!! The pink room is damn CHIO LA!! hahah!! Wish to spend the night with my BFF, FRIENDS and SISTERS!!

And this!! Come on la, is so fairytale! hahah. Hope my boyfriend wont mind. Sleep in this girly girly "HUT" with me. So sweet man! But too bad, the horse is FAKE! AAHHAHAHAH!!!

ok If he DO mind, then nevermind. Still got this! I bet he wont anymore! He will sure love it!! :)
If IF!!! Really still very very mind! "Then you will sleep here your own la!!" LOL!

Not bad ar! Give you superman to accompany you. hahah!