
HELLO!! UPDATE Update!! (:

Actually we are supposed to meet at 415. And THEN! I was LATE! I'm so sorri. Den #1 rule is sold out. WORST!! So panic la. Cause need to rush for zal's mini concert. LOL! So ben decide that we shall catch it at bugis. So it wont be tt rush. DEN BEST la. Reach Bugis, dun have #1 rule!! So we decide to watch at THE CATHAY after 9pm. Ya. Set.

Ying came. And off we go for the MINI CONCERT! (:

9 o'clock?
zal. U are GREAT! FULL Expression!
Once again! We are late for our movie. In the end we went cine for VANTAGE POINT. After that #1 RULE at THE CATHAY! (: till 3 plus.
And ya. Wonderful nite! hahah..

Sunday 230308
mali. ying and mi. We went NUH. MK!! Next time dun overslept ar. hahha!!
TAKE CARE JM! Get well soon!! I wan to see ur baby butterfly de hor! LOL!

Flowers for JM!
After that we have some FUN!!
See MK. U miss the fun ya. BUT nvm. Next MON!! LOL!

I'm starting to like my hair!

Sub paper!!! Erm. Ya. I got nth to say. hahah.

HOHOHO!! Not forgetting the fun we had. Erm. Last wk?
ya. policeman taking down names. Our XiNuAILe. Our BBAll face. superman face. Rockstar face. Many many more FACE!! LOL!

Ok. I think i will post abt TENGTENG's b'dae event tml some other day!! LOL! (:
And i finally put a heart behind ur name. Good night! :D


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